Event Details

BCC AD is a proud supporting partner of the British Chambers of Commerce UK flagship annual event 'Global Annual Conference' which will be held on 30th June 2022 at the QE11 Centre, London.

The British Chambers of Commerce Global Conference will be an opportunity for business leaders from the UK and around the world to come together and look to a more sustainable and responsible future.

Through thought-provoking discussions, talks and peer-to-peer sessions, delegates will be able to explore and debate how we can individually and collectively rise to the challenges ahead, with a particular focus on:

  • PEOPLE - Developing talent now and for the future
  • PLANET - Boosting a green global economy
  • PROGRESS - Seizing new opportunities

Away from the sessions there also will be networking time for delegates to greet existing contacts and meet new ones; and we will also be showcasing our dynamic network of Chambers and strategic partners.

Click HERE for more information

Kindly register your interest to events@bccad.ae


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